Smart Export Guarantee (SEG)

A friend has suggested that I flag up the consultation that is taking place in the UK about this new method of support for grid-connected renewables including wind and solar.

“I think this is an important consultation for small grid-connected wind, because the potential for time-of-day and even spot market export tariffs could make owning a turbine much more attractive for crofters, farmers, small businesses, and communities.”

Posted in UK small wind scene | 1 Comment

Handy Village workshop 2019

This year Dan Bartmann is back at The Handy Village Institute for their fourth Homebrew Wind Turbine Workshop, March 25-30, 2019, near Saxapahaw, North Carolina, USA.

Register online and learn more about this workshop at:

On Facebook at

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2005 wind turbine in Slovakia going strong

Michael writes:

Regarding my wind turbine, what to say. I’am DIY man and it is my hobby. I have weekend house in the mountains approx. 650 meters above sea level and sometimes its pretty windy here. Inspired by many years ago I told myself why not to build small wind turbine. I bought from you plans sometimes around 2005. 

My wind turbine is clone of your’s design: 2.8m diameter, coils modified to start at little bit lower rpm, pole is approx. 18 m high, system is 24V, charging batteries and using produced electricity via inverter. Later on I added PV panels to cover consumption during non windy days. During those approx. 11 years I’am running it I had once problem when during the storm tail felt out and interfere with the blades and now I’am doing some service as the hub bearing became noisy. 

Some pictures (btw I like North, moose and reindeer 🙂 )

Posted in construction, People | 2 Comments

V3 are doing weekend courses at CAT in Wales

It’s great to see Tom Dixon of V3 power is doing a series of courses at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Wales where I used to teach for twenty odd years.

Public Wind Turbine Workshops

1-2nd December 2018 –  Public – Centre for Alternative Technology, Wales – info here

23-24th March 2019 –  Public – Centre for Alternative Technology, Wales – info here

5-6th October 2019 –  Public – Centre for Alternative Technology, Wales – info here

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Kragten 2-bladed 1.8W windmill with no iron in the coils

Here is another design document available free from Adriann Kragten.  He wrote to me:

Recently I have written report KD 664 which can be copied for free from my website: at the menu KD-reports. The title of this report is: “Calculations executed for the 2-bladed rotor of the VIRYA-1.8W windmill (lambda design = 6.25, wooden blades) used in combination with an 8-pole permanent magnet generator frame size 71 with a stator with no iron in the coils”. This is a rather simple rotor with water proof plywood blades coupled to each other by a thin stainless steel strip to make the rotor elastic. The blades have a constant cord and blade angle. I have used the Gö 711-12% airfoil which has a lower side which is flat for 97.5 % of the cord.

“The rotor is meant to be used with the radial flux PM-generator as described in public report KD 644. As this generator has almost no sticking torque, it can be used in combination with a rotor with a low starting torque coefficient and still have a low starting wind speed. As there are no iron losses, the generator will have a high peak efficiency . The advantage of using a standard motor housing is that the coils and the magnets are well protected against rain and that most components are mass produced and therefore rather cheap.

“This new report KD 664 contains detailed drawings of the rotor and the hub in the appendix. The VIRYA-1.8W makes use of the same head and tower as used for the VIRYA-1.8. Fotos of drawings of these head and tower are given in the manual part 2 of the VIRYA-1.81 which is given at the bottom of the menu KD-reports. To give an impression of the VIRYA-1.8 rotor drawings, I have added drawing 1801-01 as an attachment.

“Yours sincerely

“Adriaan Kragten”

Posted in Adriaan Kragten, construction | 3 Comments

Nice wind turbine in Croatia

Thanks to Ivan Juretic for these lovely pictures of the wind turbine he built and installed in the mountains of Croatia.  I like the style of the tail stops. They are simple and slick.

The 24V system details:
2.4 m turbine(connected directly to the battery)
8 PV panels rated power 280 W (connected directly to the battery)
2 forklift truck batteries 12V 120 Ah (to be expanded later),
Victron inverter

2 x TS60 diversion load controllers
2 x temperatures sensors for battery
4 x 1.0 ohm 1000W resistors

AC diversion circuits (using tristar follower):
Under floor heating wires 220 V 2x 500 W
and water heater 220V 2000W 110 lit.

Posted in construction | 5 Comments

2F wind turbine features on German TV show

Jonathan was on TV with his grid-connected 2F turbine at the Austrian small wind test field in Lichtenegg

You can watch the TV show online here.

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Workshop in Austria

In Vienna, In German language, With Jonathan Schreiber on 12-14th October and 19-21 October
Cost 375€

Posted in construction, courses | 1 Comment

Tripalium celebrate ten years of turbine building



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Workshops in Argentina

Here is the latest wind turbine workshop by 500rpm in Argentina.

Evento que se celebrará a la hora, en la fecha y ubicación siguientes:

Sábado, 25 de agosto de 2018 a las 09:00

– hasta –

Domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018 a las 18:00 (ART)

Maestro M. Lopez esquina Cruz Roja, AVEIT, CĂłrdoba capital

Maestro M. Lopez esquina Cruz Roja


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