Category Archives: hydro

Choosing your pipe size for a hydro turbine

I spend a lot of my time doing “what if” scenarios for people who want a hydro turbine.  I use the Powerspout online calculation tool to get me quick answers.  I can edit the numbers, and the screen will update … Continue reading

Posted in hydro, PowerSpout hydro turbines, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Powerspout documents for download

Powerspout turbines do not come with paper manuals included, because the manuals are online in the Document Index.   You can find the index on the web site under “Advice and Resources”.  We put a lot of work into preparation … Continue reading

Posted in hydro, PowerSpout hydro turbines, products/technical, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Powerspout Pacific island installation video

Background document with photos here. All Powerspout documents and videos here

Posted in developing world, hydro, People, PowerSpout hydro turbines | Leave a comment

Installing a Powerspout Coanda intake

Some good photos from a recent installation trip to a Pacific Island by Michael Lawley and his son Edward show best practice for installing their Coanda intake. Water is impounded in a small pool behind the intake so that it … Continue reading

Posted in developing world, hydro, People, PowerSpout hydro turbines | Leave a comment

Estimating your head

I just did a wee video about methods of estimating head and put it on Youtube.  It’s a bit rough in places, but I hope it helps. Shown in this video are the following methods: Using a contour map (in … Continue reading

Posted in hydro, PowerSpout hydro turbines, Video links | 1 Comment

More Photos of DIY turbine installations working well

Some recent installations that I have helped with remotely.  The owners of these turbines were kind enough to share these glimpses of the installation process, and of course they went ahead and tidied them up afterwards, but I rarely get … Continue reading

Posted in hydro, PowerSpout hydro turbines | Leave a comment

PowerSpout price increase

PowerSpout plan to increase prices of their hydro turbines and associated gear by approximately 15% on 1st April. This will be the first rise in several years. At present exchange rates, a turbine costs approximately £1190 with an additional £150 … Continue reading

Posted in hydro, PowerSpout hydro turbines, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Bill’s perspective on domestic grid-connected hydro payback

Being off the grid I don’t need to worry so much about “payback” since I do not pay for mains electricity in the first place and the payback to me is immensely more than cutting my running costs. But I … Continue reading

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What’s a kiloWatt and a kiloWatt-hour?

I see a lot of people talk about energy and power using terms like “kW per day”.  Let’s be clear with our language.  kW is a measure of power. Power is actually the rate of energy use.  Energy is power … Continue reading

Posted in hydro, UK small wind scene | 2 Comments

We have power up!

Hi Hugh, We have power up ! Some pics from the initial switch on. (The plumbing is not ready for the immersion so air dumps in use now). The system was ‘right on the money’ as far as the calculations … Continue reading

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