Category Archives: Uncategorized

Choosing your pipe size for a hydro turbine

I spend a lot of my time doing “what if” scenarios for people who want a hydro turbine.  I use the Powerspout online calculation tool to get me quick answers.  I can edit the numbers, and the screen will update … Continue reading

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Powerspout documents for download

Powerspout turbines do not come with paper manuals included, because the manuals are online in the Document Index.   You can find the index on the web site under “Advice and Resources”.  We put a lot of work into preparation … Continue reading

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Some Powerspout installations by customers over the last 12 months

Here is a random collection of pictures sent to me by customers with PowerSpout turbines.  In many cases they were still in the throes of installing the turbine(s) so please do not judge too harshly if they look a bit … Continue reading

Posted in PowerSpout hydro turbines, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Materials for my metric Wind Turbine Recipe Book designs

With the publication of an updated 2023 edition of my metric Wind Turbine Recipe Book it seems appropriate to update my suggestions for sourcing materials.  Often the best supplier will be a local one, but I will offer some links … Continue reading

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Nice LH turbine installation

Mill sites are often ideal for the PowerSpout LH turbine.  Here is a nice one in England installed recently.

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Comparing plastic turbine runners with cast metal ones

I had a message today from a customer who has 3 turbines from 3 manufacturers.  After a few years running he has this observation to make: I have been very pleased with the PS and its nylon spoons which, even … Continue reading

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User experience with evacuated tube water heating

Nathan Jowett asked me to publish his article that he wrote about his solar hot water system.  I have to agree with him that evacuated tubes are brilliant, having had my own system for fifteen years now. Nathan’s Article V3.0

Posted in People, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Upcoming workshops with Jonathan in Germany and Austria

Windrad Selbstbau Workshops   Baue mit uns ein Windrad. Voll funktionsfähig, nach dem weltweit bewährten Piggott Design. Die einfache Anwendung nachhaltiger Technologie steht im Mittelpunkt des Workshops.  An einem Workshop teilnehmen  Einen Workshop veranstalten more 

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New chapter 9 in Kragten’s public report KD 341

Adriaan writes: “Dear HughI have added a new chapter 9 in my public report KD 341 which may interest you. The title of this chapter 9 is: “Voltage generation in a coil”. This chapter also contains three pictures of a small … Continue reading

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F series wind turbine designs

My wind turbine designs in recent years have used ferrite magnets and the naming system is based on “F” for ferrite (or ceramic) magnets, preceded by number denoting the diameter in metres. Hence the 2F is my 2012 design ferrite … Continue reading

Posted in construction, ferrite magnets, my own projects, Scoraig, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 3 Comments