We have power up!

Hi Hugh,
We have power up ! Some pics from the initial switch on. (The plumbing is not ready for the immersion so air dumps in use now). The system was ‘right on the money’ as far as the calculations go. There was over 1 bar reading on the pressure gauge, even when running with four nozzles. We are using only about a third of the water flowing down the stream right now, (there has been quite a lot of rain, but this is more or less the normal winter level). We see around 7 amps on the meter when dumping is in progress, at about 60 volts, so around 420 watts. I haven’t read the the amps accurately, going on the analogue meter you sent.
I am sure we could get a lot more from the system if necessary, but for now it will be plenty until Michael works out using some of the 240 volts with washing machine, fridge, and water heating.

The only thing we didn’t like was the fact the Turgo is quite noisy. Michael’s house is exceptionally quiet, miles from a road, and minimal ambient noise from the inhabitants. We could hear it from the house, even though it is at least 100m away. Michael was not really bothered by it, but I suspect he will want to enclose it with something to damp the sound, longer term. He plans a roof over it anyway. Any ideas on the best solutions  ? I suggested some sound attenuating foam.

It was very satisfying, and have to repeat our earlier thanks for all your advice and input.


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Great result …and pics

Hello Hugh,

Now the festivities are over I want to report back on our Powerspout and
Midnight Classic installation.  It’s incredible!  The generator has not
been used once this winter.  We are making around 250 watts 24/7 with
the small nozzles which is enough to fulfil our needs along with our
solar……….. even the recording studio.  If we do need more I know
we can fit the larger nozzles.  So once again I´d like to thank you for
all your help.  I am attaching pics of the installation.  Please could
you pass these on to Powerspout.

Best wishes,


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Dan Bartmann’s biggest homebrew project yet

Dan Bartmann has been busy building bigger turbines in Chadron Nebraska…

more info and a chance to ask questions here on the Otherpower discussion board

Posted in construction, People | 2 Comments

3 new KD-reports

[note: I have edited my remarks in response to some corrections sent by email]

Adriaan has notified me of the following free reports that he has published (see below the diagram).  The axial flux design has a single magnet disk, and a steel plate behind the stator  coils, so the eddy current losses are pretty high (22 watts measured for an 80 watt turbine).  The advantage (compared to the twin-rotor design that I use) is a a supposedly simplified construction.  The magnet gluing is a potential failure point at high rpm.  I have some concerns about the use of thin metal plate in the support of the blades (fatigue).  These are meticulously mathematical reports which will be invaluable to the diligent student.  The theoretical work is a great lesson.kd571

Dear Hugh and others
Recently I have placed three new KD-reports, a manual and a new list of public KD-reports on my page of the website of Bidnetword: www.bidnetwork.org/en/member/adriaankragten This material can be copied for free by anybody.
KD 571 gives the description and measurements of an 8-pole, 3-phase axial flux permanent magnet generator and the calculations of the rotor and the head of the VIRYA-1.36 windmill. Manufacture of the parts and a complete set of drawings of this windmill are given in a separate manual.
KD 574 gives the description and measurements of a 6-pole, 2-phase axial flux permanent magnet generator and the calculations of the rotor of the VIRYA-1 windmill. This report also contains the drawings of the generator and the rotor. This generator is an alternative for the Nexus hub dynamo of the VIRYA-1.04 windmill which is described in an earlier public manual.
KD 340 is an older report in which rectification of the generators of the VIRYA-windmills is described. Recently a chapter about 2-phase rectification is added because this is used for the VIRYA-1 generator.
In the list of KD-reports, all public KD-reports are given. 24 KD-reports and two manuals can now be copied for free from my page on the website of Bidnetwork. I am retired now for almost three years and I no longer accept large engineering projects but through these free KD-reports I try to make that the knowledge gained by 40 years of experience with small windmills is not lost. Questions about small windmills asked by people from developing countries will be answered for free if answering takes a limited time.
Adriaan Kragten

PS Adriaan has also offered his replies to my comments above as follows:

Dear Hugh
Nice that you have put my message about the three new KD reports on your blog. Your comment is OK but I can say the following about it.
It’s true that there are substantial losses in the stator due to eddy currents but the copper losses in the winding at maximum power are much larger. At low powers, both the copper losses and the iron losses are low and then the generator efficiency will be rather high (I expect about 75 %). For a small windmill mounted at a low tower, enough power at low wind speeds is more important than high power at high wind speeds. The big advantage of a non rotating steel stator sheet is that you can use separate coils bolted to the front side of the stator sheet and that the wire ends can simply be guided to the rectifier by a hole in the sheet. At this moment a prototype of the VIRYA-1.36 is being built by an Indian company and they will try to measure a complete generator. Once I know the measured characteristics, I will add a chapter with these characteristics to KD 571.
It’s right that the blade is rather thin (1.5 mm) where it is connected to the armature sheet. But therefore the rotor is very flexible and this almost flattens the fluctuation of the gyroscopic moment which is typical for a 2-bladed rotor. The bending angle due to the thrust is strongly reduced by the centrifugal force in the blade and this reduces the bending stress in the blade root. The VIRYA-1.25, which has almost similar blades, has been tested for more than ten years and is still running without any problems.
Adriaan Kragten

Posted in Adriaan Kragten, Books, construction, People | 1 Comment

Homes needed for small wind turbines

V3 write:- “We run courses building small DIY wind turbines, sometimes these courses are purely educational and the turbine built on the course does not have a home to go to. We want to get these turbines generating electricity so are looking for people who would be interested in hosting a turbine or buying them from us at cost price. People living off-grid would be especially suitable. The turbine is designed by Hugh Piggott and is robust and easily maintained. We have installed many of these turbines (see the previous courses page for examples) and are happy and keen to discuss any queries so please get in touch!”

Posted in construction, People, UK small wind scene | 3 Comments

Some video of my presentation

Here is footage from the presentation I made for the Windempowerment Conference in Athens last month. Actually this is a backup that was not used at the conference as I was able to make the same presentation live (and said a whole lot of different things, I think). Anyway this backup version is too long to upload as a single video so I have split it into 3 parts: Scoraig Stories, Alternator Design, and a shorter subsection: Ferrite Magnet Windmill.  This last is an intro to my new 2F design document

sorry about the poor sound quality


More about windmills in the old days on Scoraig here

Posted in construction, ferrite magnets, my own projects, People, products/technical, Scoraig, Video links, wind systems tutorial | 2 Comments

Build your own windmill workshop course on Scoraig April 18th 2015

I am planning to hold a course here on Scoraig in April.  We’ll build and test a wind turbine as usual.  Accommodation is provided from Saturday 18th to Saturday 25th April 2015.  These will be the arrival and departure days.  The course will run for six days from 19th to 24th.  Your partner may be able to find accommodation here too without attending the workshop. Please ask for details.

See photos of 2012 course (plus video) , 2013 course and 2014 course.   Cost will be £700 including accommodation.  I may be able to offer a limited number of student discounts if there are enough people paying full price.

Contact me for more details and to book a place.  I do not plan to travel around teaching courses this year as I have mostly done over the last 12 years or so.  This may be your only opportunity to be taught by me personally, although there are several other groups worldwide offering courses based on my Recipe Book or derivatives of it.

Happy crew

Happy crew

Posted in construction, courses, my own projects, Scoraig | 3 Comments

Live data from a powerspout turbine in Abergavenny, United Kingdom

Here is a site where you can see a grid connected powerspout in operation exporting electricity.  Unlike solar PV systems, this renewable source keeps going night and day.  Although it only generates 600-700 watts or so, it keeps up well with the demands of the house as you can see.

More about Powerspout.  More about the actual turbine at Glenburnie.


click on this image to go to the actual site with live data

Posted in hydro, People, power curve data, products/technical | 2 Comments

1200 dia. project photos from South Africa

Thanks to Felix Thoma for sending me this link to his page with photos of his 1200 diameter project in South Africa.  He is using my 2005 plans (“How to Build a Wind Turbine”) with the hollow shaft which requires a bit more machining than the more recent “recipe”, but machining is no problem for Felix!

more photos here….

Posted in construction, People | Leave a comment

Nice video about windempowerment

I will be making a presentation on Monday morning “live over internet”.

You can watch the conference live using this link but be aware that you will need to install some software (VLC media player) in advance to do this.

Posted in construction, developing world, People, Video links | Leave a comment