Sample noise assessment for planning consent

I am grateful to Graham Caulton for sharing this noise assessment that he used in order to get planning consent for his home-built wind turbine.  UK planning officials tend to ask for a noise assessment as a condition for granting permission to erect a small wind turbine, but it’s not possible to measure the noise produced by a machine until you have erected it, so there is a “catch 22” paradox here for home-builders.  Graham has successfully argued using data from similar machines in the document below.  I am posting it in the hopes that it will be useful to others needing to jump this hurdle.

Wind Turbine Noise Assessment

Posted in products/technical, UK small wind scene | Leave a comment

Another workshop in Athens


More details of this workshop here

More workshops around the world here

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Philippe Caussé apprend à faire une éolienne soi-même


see the article in Ladepeche here

Posted in construction, France, People | Leave a comment

UK not working windmills for sale/ new homes

People are contacting me with wind turbines that do not work and wondering if other people are interested in using parts of them or whatever.  I am very happy to try to find homes for them.  Right now I have the following, and if you get in touch I will pass you straight on to the owners so you can hopefully do a deal with them and get something going…

I have a broken 6kW Eoltec wind turbine that is looking for a new home.
The broken bits are the blades and tail.  The good bits are; the 12m galvanised tower, the yaw bearing assembly, the alternator, the inverters and various switches.
I thought it would be of some value to an individual or group who were interested in building a wind energy installation.  Parts could be obtained from Eoltec, perhaps, although I wouldn’t necessarily recommend that, or the parts could be used as a basis for a home build.  New blades  and tail being constructed etc.
I would accept any reasonable offers
Joff Rorke


I have a complete Proven 35-2 wind turbine that was never installed. Would there be a market for it or its parts? Thank you, Rob Cauble



Posted in construction, People, stuff on offer, UK small wind scene | 10 Comments

Windempowerment conference

Crowdfunding campaign ! Check the Indiegogo website through the link below to find out how you can contribute and what you’ll get in return!


Posted in developing world, People | Leave a comment

pics of wind turbines sent to me recently

Loren Johnson , about 80 miles NW of Chicago writes:
I bought the 2011 edition of your “Wind Turbine Recipe Book” and have built the 14 ft. model.


Leslie Bryan, Normandy France writes:

Just a quick note and pic of 3 of your 3.7m diameter Turbines finally all running sweet.
Thanks for a good design.

Michel Roba (Belgium) writes:
I  have completed the construction of the turbine(3.6m, 24V).
As you can see the mast is short, but the place is quite windy and there is no obstacle in the main direction of wind.
The blades are made of red cedar coated with glass fiber/epoxy and G8 varnish.
The balance of propeller/rotors has been thoroughly made and finished with the varnish.
It works very smoothly, no vibration at all, very silent, just a slight noise when wind turns.
Looks nice job of yours, and hopefully of mine…

Posted in construction, France, People | 4 Comments

New edition of metric Recipe Book as Scribd PDF file

This will probably be the final edition of my Recipe Book, first published in 2009.  Minor changes since last year’s edition and significantly better than the first ebook 2010 edition.

This was removed by scribd for a few days because they thought it was in breach of copyright because they already have the 2013 edition, but I sorted that out now.


A Wind Turbine Recipe Book (metric edition)

Posted in Books, construction, my own projects | 1 Comment

upcoming courses around the world

(see this page for an updated list or click on “courses” in the header menu above)

Here are some more “build your own wind turbine” courses based on the axial flux design that are coming up soon.  (These courses teach the wind turbine designs derived from my books.)

Tripalium  lundi 11 août au vendredi 15 août 2014   voir la fiche du stage au Moulinas , MONTOULIEU 34190 HERAULT FRANCE. Pendant cette formation de 5 jours, Vous allez construire en compagnie de plusieurs autres stagiaires une petite éolienne de 1,80 m de diamètre. En fin de stage, elle sera montée sur un mat lui aussi auto construit.

500RPM  Buenos Aires, Argentina CURSO DE FABRICACIÓN DE AEROGENERADORES Fecha: Fines de semana del 23-24 y 30-31 de agosto.  Horario: De 9:00 a 18:00h (total: 32hs)

Nea Guinea 23-31st August: “Build a small wind turbine” construction course in Nea Makri, Greece.  This course will be led by Kostas in English. September 6th to 10th. St. Pölten in Austria.  This workshop is based on my newer “2F” ferrite wind turbine design.  This course will be led by Jonathan in English.

Otherpower  October 2014 — Fort Collins, Colorado. HANDS-ON. Exact dates TBD. Registration opening soon!

V3 Power 10th to 12th October 2014 – Wensor Bridge Farm, Nottinghamshire, NG23 5JQ UK – £250 – Price includes all food and camping accommodation on-site, bnb’s available nearby.

Posted in construction, courses, People | Leave a comment

Ferrite magnet wind turbine plans books printed out

2F Wind Turbine Construction Manual

My new plans for making a 2 metre diameter wind turbine using the more durable ferrite magnets are now available in hard copy form by post from me. It’s the same as the ebook version but printed in 2 columns in a 52 page book.

2F manual delivered to:

Posted in Books, construction, ferrite magnets, my own projects | 11 Comments

Hungarian translation of the Recipe Book

recipe_cover_hunThe Hungarian Translation is now available on Scribd as a pdf file.

For other translations and ebooks see this link.

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