Category Archives: Scoraig

Scoraig wind turbines performance measurement summary

Between 2012 and 2014 Jon Sumanik-Leary and I did some performance measurements on wind turbines here at Scoraig, using Logic Energy mobile logging systems.  Jon has finally completed the processing of the results and sent me some exciting curves. There is a … Continue reading

Posted in performance, power curve data, Scoraig | Leave a comment

Build your own windmill workshop course on Scoraig April 23rd 2016

I am planning to hold a course here on Scoraig in April.  We’ll build and test a wind turbine as usual.  Accommodation is provided from Saturday 23rd to Saturday 30th April 2016.  These will be the arrival and departure days.  The … Continue reading

Posted in courses, my own projects, Scoraig | 6 Comments

My electricity supply here

I don’t write enough about what goes on here at home on Scoraig so here is a run down on where my electricity comes from. I have two windmills and a collection of solar PV panels.  800 Ah Rolls 4000-series … Continue reading

Posted in my own projects, Scoraig, wind systems tutorial | 8 Comments

Scoraig wind turbine workshop 2015

We built a 2F machine last week here at Scoraig.  There were 6 guys in the crew plus me. Ghalib, Hugh, Brian, Svend, Brian, Laurence and Lukas. Some photos of the sunny week.   Thanks to the guys for sharing photos…. … Continue reading

Posted in construction, courses, ferrite magnets, Scoraig | Leave a comment is back online

My old homepage at is back up, after falling over a couple of weeks back. Thanks to the guys at Otherpower for hosting it for me over the last ten years. Thanks also to Irishsolar (eirbyte) for hosting this site. … Continue reading

Posted in People, Scoraig | Leave a comment

Hornet wind turbine next door

After the storm destroyed the Ampair 100 that was on this mast, a neighbour bought a Hornet from  This is the 8-blade 1250 watt version.  Apparently it has been seen producing 1251 watts into a 24 volt battery “in … Continue reading

Posted in products/technical, Scoraig, UK small wind scene | 42 Comments

back in action after storm

Perceptive readers will have noticed the little red graph on the right plunge to zero after the big wind we had on 9th January.  This was due to my AWP windmill plunging to the ground with a broken alternator shaft.  … Continue reading

Posted in products/technical, Scoraig | 2 Comments

Some video of my presentation

Here is footage from the presentation I made for the Windempowerment Conference in Athens last month. Actually this is a backup that was not used at the conference as I was able to make the same presentation live (and said … Continue reading

Posted in construction, ferrite magnets, my own projects, People, products/technical, Scoraig, Video links, wind systems tutorial | 2 Comments

Build your own windmill workshop course on Scoraig April 18th 2015

I am planning to hold a course here on Scoraig in April.  We’ll build and test a wind turbine as usual.  Accommodation is provided from Saturday 18th to Saturday 25th April 2015.  These will be the arrival and departure days.  … Continue reading

Posted in construction, courses, my own projects, Scoraig | 3 Comments

Scoraig Wind turbine workshop 2014 photos

Here are some photos of the workshop.  There were 8 participants plus me.  We built a 2.4 metre diameter 24-volt turbine from the Recipe Book.  Weather was great and we even got a little wind on Friday so the machine … Continue reading

Posted in construction, courses, my own projects, Scoraig | 3 Comments