Category Archives: hydro

Great result …and pics

Hello Hugh, Now the festivities are over I want to report back on our Powerspout and Midnight Classic installation.  It’s incredible!  The generator has not been used once this winter.  We are making around 250 watts 24/7 with the small … Continue reading

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Live data from a powerspout turbine in Abergavenny, United Kingdom

Here is a site where you can see a grid connected powerspout in operation exporting electricity.  Unlike solar PV systems, this renewable source keeps going night and day.  Although it only generates 600-700 watts or so, it keeps up well … Continue reading

Posted in hydro, People, power curve data, products/technical | 2 Comments

“How to” get feed in tariffs with a Powerspout hydro turbine

Useful links to understanding how to claim feed-in tariffs in the UK.  These tariffs are available on or off grid, but may be phased out next year 2019. BabyHydro DIY installation guide 2016 with details of how to obtain relevant … Continue reading

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Pico hydro in Greece

Pico hydroelectric installation in a mountain farm on Mount Iti – Greece March 2013 from Kostas Latoufis Alexandros and Ioanna live for the last four years in ‘Rodokalo’, the place name of a farmland on Mount Iti situated at an … Continue reading

Posted in construction, hydro, People | 4 Comments

Good news for small hydro turbine owners who want Feed-in-Tariffs

OFFGEM have published an open letter that clarifies the question of eligibility for Feed-in-Tariffs (FiTs).  This is confirmed in the Energy Savings Trust website. This gist of it is that Hydro turbines do not need to be approved under the … Continue reading

Posted in hydro, People | 1 Comment