Damaged 2.4 metre machine on Scoraig

Here are some photos of a machine we took down today after some strong winds.  It actually lost a blade, which is rather serious damage.  The plywood has deteriorated a bit.  This machine was built in 2006.  It’s a 24 volt machine built to the 2005 book “Build your own wind Turbine” that preceded my Recipe Book.

The tower is an interesting shape when it is down but it doesn’t seem to mind that.  It is always perfectly straight once it has been erected.  This is 12 metres of 75 mm OD pipe hanging on the top guy.

Below is probably the reason why it was overspeeding – the wires in the coils have been cut by magnet damage.  Once unloaded like this the blades ran fast and the aging plywood gave way. 

It was really only one magnet that got badly damaged; the front rotor was very close to the stator and there may also have been some wear in the bearings.  It’s a little hard to say what started everything off but I would say probably inadequate clearance followed by wear in the bearings.  Anyway it needs a new stator now and at least one new magnet glued in to restore it.  and a new set of blades.  Harsh.

This sort of stuff happens to small wind turbines, but we fix them and then they work again for long periods.  Often the breakdowns are minor ones but this was a bit more involved.

Posted in construction | 2 Comments

Bicycle wheel alternator video

bike wheel windmillA bicycle wheel is fastened to a vertical wood post. Neodymium magnets are bolted to the rim of the wheel. Tape is placed between the spokes to create the “windmill vanes”. As the magnets pass a coil of copper wire, a current is induced in the coil.

see video here

web page

Posted in construction, Video links | 7 Comments

Dakar meeting on locally built small wind turbines for rural electrification

This conference took place on 7-11th February, in Dakar Polytechnic.

Partners (see web links at end of this post)
CIFRES, research center
attached to the Supérieure Polytechnique de Dakar
Tripalium, French small wind homebuilder’s association
blueEnergy, NGO based in Nicaragua
Schneider Electric, new owner of Xantrex

You can find commentaries on this conference at these links:



35 years of small wind manufactureOver 1000 small wind turbines have been built using the Piggott model.
International participation at the conference

Scoraig Wind Electric (UK)
EolSénégal (Sénégal)
blueEnergy (Nicaragua)
Tripalium (France)
Solar‐Mad (Madagascar)
I love wind power (Mali & Tanzanie)
COMET‐ME (Palestine)
AJA Mali (Mali)
The Clean Energy Initiative (Mozambique)
Otherpower (USA)
Renewable World (UK)
Schneider Electrique (France)
AEETEC (France)

Appropriate technology

Locally built turbines and tools for the development of
sustainable local manufacture, maintenance, and reliable
energy production.
Site visit
Visit to one of the seven Eolsenegal installations. A pumping
system for a vegetable farmer.
World Social Forum ConferenceRound table on intergating small wind turbines for rural electrification
with Hugh Piggott (Scoraig Wind Electric), Jo Kelly (Renewable World),
Souleymane Sarr (AJA Mali), Lionel Gaultier (SolarMad), Fadel Kébé
(EolSénégal) and Noam Dotan (COMET‐ME)
CIFRES, Supérieure Polytechnique de Dakar
• 18 third year university students working on small wind projects
• 5 graduate students working on masters thesises on modeling the Piggott alternator, designing a charge controller, modeling hybrid wind/pv systems, etc.
• Mechanical engineering departement working on tools for the manufacture of windings, blades, nacelles, and towers.
• Creation of a company Eolsenegal for the manufacture and installation of small wind turbines in Senegal
Formation of an International Association ‘Wind Empowerment’
Technology Workgroups

•Research & Development
•Monitoring Systems
•Tower and Foundations
•Balance of Systems
•Manufacturing Tools
•Training tools
•Certification & Testing
•IT Solutions
Social Economic Workgroups
•Social Mapping
•Ownership models
•Business models

More Information:

Francais (pdf)


. ÉolSénégal Sénégal http://eolsenegal.com/
. blueEnergy US, France, Nicaragua http://www.blueenergygroup.org
. Ti’éole France http://www.tieole.com/index.cfm?pageid=10
. Scoraig Wind Electric Scotland http://www.scoraigwind.com/
. Otherpower US http://www.otherpower.com/
. Solarmad Madagascar http://www.solarmad.biz/
. AJA Mali Mali http://www.ajamali.org/
. Comet Me Joint Initiative Israel/Palestine http://www.comet-me.org/index.html
. The Clean Energy Company Mozambique http://www.tcei.info/
. ilovewindpower Mali Mali http://www.i-love-windpower.com/mali.html
. ilovewindpower Tanzania Tanzania http://www.i-love-windpower.com/cms/
. Participated in Dakarremotely
. Volunteer WindAid Peru http://windaid.org/
. Green Empowerment US, Peru, Phillipines http://www.greenempowerment.org
. HIDRORED South America
. Other organizations of interest
. Green Step Cameroun Cameroon http://www.green-step.org/
. CraftSkills Kenya http://craftskillseastafrica.com/
. WindAid Peru http://windaid.com/
. TaTEDO Tanzania http://www.tatedo.org/cms/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=74:wind-electricity&catid=5:news
Posted in developing world, People | 3 Comments

French TV interview

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Apprendre à fabriquer une éolienne avec Hugh Piggott

Lundi 4 au vendredi 8 avril 2011

Stage hébergé et avec la participation de Périple en la Demeure à Limerlé, Belgique

TRIPALIUM est une association qui a pour but de diffuser les moyens et les savoirs faire techniques nécessaires à l’auto construction d’éolien individuel, construire des turbines en répondant à un besoin d’électricité identifié, donner des notions théoriques de base associées au fonctionnement d’une éolienne.

Société TI’EOLE fournit les systèmes complets pour le raccordement au réseau électrique ou pour les sites isolés pour votre maison, votre société ou votre projet autonome. Pour soutenir la communauté d’auto-construction, Ti’éole organise des formations, distribue les matériaux et la documentation nécessaire à la réalisation d’une éolienne.

Posted in construction, courses, France, Notices | 1 Comment

Bath University Wind Turbine Build

Engineers Without Borders at Bath University are doing a workshop with V3 and publishing a blog about it here

Ben Lane writes:

I am currently a masters student at the University of Bath and we are currently in the middle of building a 1kW wind turbine, with aid from a company called V3 Power, and inspired by yourself! I can provide you more details, but in summary this project offers the students of Bath an incredible opportunity to put theory into practise. This is something reinforced by the huge popularity for the project at Bath, with over 130 applicants. Here at Bath we are taking previous the project further and using the turbine to not only spread awareness on campus, but as a hub for further research projects, and we have currently integrated PhD research into Super Capacitor storage with the turbine. Furthermore this project offers a lot more than just research and has the potential to make a real difference in places where electricity is most needed – this project will give the students of Bath the opportunity to gain vital skills in low tech micro-generation, equipping them with the necessary skills to take this project to a developing country.

We have also set up a blog to share the build with as many people as possible and it would be amazing if  we could somehow get a link from your blog to ours? http://bathwindturbine.tumblr.com/.

Posted in construction, courses, People | 1 Comment

MST Wind Turbine School – Itapeva Brazil

These guys are using my older 2005 design but they are passionate about the project.

Posted in construction, courses, developing world, Video links | 1 Comment

The ‘Turbike’ built in Ireland for 12V battery charging

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Things that don’t work – Mick Sagrillo on the popular idiocies of modern small wind.

This presentation by Mick Sagrillo is from 2009.  It’s a good summary of what is wrong with rooftop wind and is backed up by actual production data.  If you are enthusiastic about rooftop windpower then you ought to look at this presentation and then decide whether its such a great idea.

Posted in People, products/technical, Rooftop madness, wind systems tutorial | 4 Comments

Sustainable energy workshops in East Sutherland

John Whitfield is offering short, commonsense workshops on microgeneration at Culgower in Sutherland.Check out his web page for more.

Posted in courses, People, UK small wind scene | Leave a comment