Some Powerspout installations by customers over the last 12 months

Here is a random collection of pictures sent to me by customers with PowerSpout turbines.  In many cases they were still in the throes of installing the turbine(s) so please do not judge too harshly if they look a bit messy.  It’s just to give you a rough idea of some of the sites where I have helped to make hydro power happen recently.

Most of my customers lately have been in the UK, but I work with people all over the world such as the site in the Congo which was for a hospital. I have a number of customers in Ireland, Portugal and South Africa for example.  In most cases I do not get sent any photos but it is really nice to see them when I do.

About hugh

I live off-grid in NW Scotland and have spent my life playing with wind turbines. I also love small hydros. Hands on renewable energy is my thing and I like to learn and to share my experiences.
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One Response to Some Powerspout installations by customers over the last 12 months

  1. john radford says:

    I am interested in installing domestic hydro system : small scale
    but the perfect counterbalance to my recently installed solar
    panels , which are great in the summer , but ….
    How do I get started , can you recommend any contractors to
    design and install the setup . Any and all pointers greatly appreciated.
    I live in Argyll, on the east shore of loch long .
    john radford

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