Jonathan Schreiber sent me this video he made about when he came to my workshop last year. Somehow he also manages to be in the video too 🙂
Jonathan also has a blog here.
I will be teaching at more workshops next year.
See photos of last year’s Scoraig workshop here. We built a 3-metre diameter turbine using ferrite magnets.
hello, thanks for your video it is going to help me with my small village project here in Cameroon
. i have a bit of a problem building my own charge controller and boost convector please i really need a helping hand
Nkoh Clourvis .S
hi Nkoh,
I am happy to try to help you. what sort of problem do you have?
Nice wind in that location. So, guys will obtain much power. As I call it – Power Metal ))).
Really nice video !
A great 2013 to all
Mr. Hugh Piggott
The videos are always appreciated. Thanks for the help it has given me always. Thanks for helping me build my windmill.
Happy new year
Alex Burgos