The full story is here
“We also lead workshops on how to build these machines. If you are interested in owning one, a workshop is the best way to learn the ins and outs of maintenance, performance and monitoring. It will also put a wind turbine in your hands at a substantially reduced cost.”
Woody Thompson, is the manager and Operator of Fundy Solar Ltd. He can be contacted directly through any of the following methods:
E-mail: [email protected]
Toll Free: 1.888.536.2070
Local Telephone: 1.506.536.2070
Postal Address: 431 Jolicure Rd., Jolicure, NB E4L 2S3
Hi Hugh,
My name is Mathew Smith. I am a first year engineering student at 37 years old. I love what you do.
Are you still running work shops?
Thank you
Regal Regards