Windmill obsession in India

Vivek Mundkur has made a video on the windmills he has been making for the last two years.

About hugh

I live off-grid in NW Scotland and have spent my life playing with wind turbines. I also love small hydros. Hands on renewable energy is my thing and I like to learn and to share my experiences.
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5 Responses to Windmill obsession in India

  1. admin says:

    You can contact me at

    I can put you in contact with vivek and others after that.


  2. can i contact u?i wanna do a project on windmills for my school.

  3. Roy Emmerich says:

    Great turbines, although there seems to be a lack of understanding about installing them away from buildings and trees in clear, open space where the influence of turbulence is reduced.

    • Vivek Mundkur says:

      I know the siting of the turbines is not so good. But cutting trees is not an option here.

  4. DAVID SIMMS says:

    Lets celebrate obsession… What a way to direct one’s obsession; windmills.

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