Much of my time these days is spent helping people with microhydro projects. I love it. As well as answering emails and phone-calls, I’ve been spending a lot of time helping with the PowerSpout free document library.
Click the links to view the documents. Then click the download symbol to a the top of the screen to download them.
When planning your system, these ones could help you:
You can estimate your site’s generation potential, and even design the whole system painlessly using the online Advanced Calculator Tool. To get the best out of it please read the Hydro design and calculator manual first.
Lots of guides to off-grid system design:
- Charge controller guide
- System wiring guide
- Powershed design guide
- Diversion load guide
- Battery guide
There are lots more documents in the Index. I hope you find them useful. If you aren’t sure about anything just drop me an email and I will help.
Thank you for putting this information online. I’m very interested in alternative energy. I would also like some information on solar panels connecting to a house. Thanks again