More about the scam mongers

At the risk of getting boring about this…

I thought it would be a good time to publish this email that I received earlier in the year about Earth4energy and the other bogus products being marketed by the same dreary individuals. Now that I find they are using my name to further their sales I will do whatever I can to warn people to avoid these scams.

Subject: Scam – Home Energy Renewable Energy Plans in USA
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2009 17:03:59 +1100


Saw your website and just wanted to let you know about some company selling “plans” and instructions on building wind turbines and DIY PV modules.

I paid $75 for an eBook and downloaded it from I have attached a copy for your evaluation.

It is of very poor quality, and after several emails, he is refusing to reply for requests for a refund.

The company has many paid adds with Google, and are connected. There are many sites that appear to be different entities, but closer scrutiny reveals they are part of the same scam. Some of the sites even claim misleadingly to “investigate” this company and provide “reviews”.

Examples: [this one has now gone – Hugh] [So has this but others are apearing as I have found]

The address that I have been given in emails from this company (could be false):

Texzus Capital Ventures Inc
10708 Pedigree Cv, Austin, TX 78748-2565 USA
President, Steve Grey

Maybe you could warn your colleagues around the world about this scam.

Kind regards,

Dale Stewart

I have withheld Dale’s email address to protect him, but if anyone wants to contact him then I am happy to pass a message. The stuff he then forwarded to me was indeed a load of worthless burbling.

Oh and wait there is more. When I put some warnings on my web page I unbelievably got the following message from the very perpetrators suggesting I help them!

Date: Wed, 4 Mar 2009 12:14:59 -0800
Subject: Re: This Is What Super Affiliates Promote…
From: HomeMadeEnergy Affiliates


I sent you the email below and I haven’t heard back. Are you the right
person I should speak with about promoting

If so, please go here to learn more:

We are eager to have you begin promoting us. Please don’t hesitate to
let me know if you have any questions or comments. Even if you’ve
decided not to participate, you’re reason(s) why would be very helpful
to us. Thank you very much.


Jim Gribble
Partnership Manager
Phone: (301) 916-3900

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 8:40 AM, HomeMadeEnergy Affiliates
> It’s no secret among super-affiliates…
> Here are the 3 simple reasons why super-affiliates promote
> 1. Biggest payout
> You get 75% on the initial $47 product AND on the popular $67 up-sell!
> Plus, you can get an additional bonus of $5 for each sale.
> And many super-affiliates confess we have the best conversion in the
> marketplace.
> This make HME is an offer worth promoting – but that’s not all…
> 2. Best product
> The HomeMadeEnergy now consists of a detailed eBook PLUS hours of
> user-friendly, step-by-step videos.
> These videos were produced by a NABCEP (North American Board of
> Certified Energy Practitioners) certified individual. This means your
> referred customers will get the best and SAFEST information. It’s no
> wonder why our refund rates are so low – buyers love this product!
> 3. Nurturing partner support
> We reach out and establish personal relationships with our affiliates.
> You can discuss special customizations with us because we are willing
> to listen and implement what you suggest.
> I gave you THREE great reasons why HME is probably the best “renewable
> energy” offer that you can promote right now. It’s the top choice
> among super-affiliates.
> I urge you to at least test this offer now and see how it does for you.
> To find more details go to:
> If you have any questions or comments, please reply to this email and
> I’ll get back to you right away.
> Warmest regards,
> Jim Gribble
> Partnership Manager
> Phone: (301) 916-3900
> 10708 Pedigree Cove
> Austin, TX 78748
> Phone: (512) 280-9331

Make of it what you will, but you won’t be making a wind turbine, that’s for sure 🙂 You could however be making 75% of $67…

About hugh

I live off-grid in NW Scotland and have spent my life playing with wind turbines. I also love small hydros. Hands on renewable energy is my thing and I like to learn and to share my experiences.
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One Response to More about the scam mongers

  1. Peter Moore says:

    Really enjoyed reading this post, it’s exactly the kind of point i’m trying to get across. Keep up the good work!

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